Punk the Capital BLU RAY
Punk the Capital BLU RAY
A film by Paul Bishow, Sam Lavine, James June Schneider
“Punk the Capital: Building a Sound Movement” explores the birth of punk rock in Washington DC (1976-1983). When punk rock emerged against all odds in the Nation’s Capital, it was a mighty convergence of powerful music, deep friendships, and clear minds. It was in fact an unlikely place but the perfect time. Situating this punk subculture within the larger narratives of rock ’n’ roll, this documentary builds a multi-layered story, fueled by a trove of Super-8 footage. Featuring musicians such as Ian MacKaye, HR/Bad Brains, Henry Rollins, Joe Keithley, and Jello Biafra, this film dives deep into the ideas and sounds from this transformative music scene which continues its cultural and political influence around the world.
Also contains 4 short bonus films totaling over 50 minutes:
* Scream Meets The Hangmen: Featuring all of DC’s legendary band Scream including Dave Grohl.
* Void and Friends: A portrait of the cult hardcore band from the DC suburbs.
* The Seminal WGTB Concert: The legendary first punk concert for so that sent so many DC youth on the path to punk. Featuring The Urban Verbs, The Chumps, The Cramps, and total chaos.
* The Slickee Boys: A short portrait on the band who got DC punk off the ground circa '76.